Material Minds - Ingunn Skogholt & Adam Kajander

Art Space Skog presented the exhibition "Material Minds" with Ingunn Skogholt and Adam Kajander from 17 August to 10 September 2023. Info in Norwegian.

Although their artistic creations unfold in very different ways, something interesting and unifying arises in the meeting between the artists. Both artists place great emphasis on the tactile interpretation of materiality and the poetic universe they create. See several of the art pieces from the exhibition in our online shop.

Piece by Ingunn Skogholt. Photo: Brian Noguera-Gabrielli

With the artists own words:

“It is not in the conceptual that moves me. It is not in the thought. It is the material, the physical. My work is never based on an idea or a concept. It is instead grounded in craftsmanship or the technique.” Adam Kajander

“With my pictures and my tapestry works, I want to create a poetic tension. I want to create a spatial landscape of visual movements inviting to something unclear and puzzling.” Ingunn Skogholt

In the interesting dynamic between the fresh and the well-established artist, we have included new works as well as previously shown works. This helps to give the objects a new life, and opens up new reflections and conversations.

Piece by Adam Kajander. Photo: Brian Noguera-Gabrielli

Through vibrant colours, exciting textures and captivating shapes, we want to inspire visitors to get involved and immerse themselves in the poetic abstractions of Skogholt and Kajander.

Art piece by Ingunn Skogholt. Photo: Brian Noguera-Gabrielli

About the artists

Ingunn Skogholt (born 1952) mainly works with tapestries. The works represents the most simplified and abstract forms with references to nature and landscape fragmentation. She has an international art education from the Royal College of Art in London, the Edinburgh College of Art, the Art Academy in Bratislava and the School of Arts and Crafts in Oslo. Ingunn Skogholt has delivered several solo exhibitions at amongst others Galleri K, Kunstnerforbundet and CC Gallery in London. She has also participated in a number of group exhibitions at home and abroad, including a total of 10 times at the Norwegian «Høstutstillingen».

Ingunn Skogholt decorates both public and private buildings. She has works in a number of public spaces like the Oslo and Hamar courthouses and buildings of the Government. Her art works have been purchased by several recognized collections such as Equinor, the National Gallery of Statoil and a number of other public and private collections.

Adam Kajander (born 1991) studies materialbased art at Oslo Art School. He has participated in the group exhibition at NITJA.


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