"Cocoon" by Trude Westby Nordmark
NOK 25,200.00
From the duo exhibition with Eirik Falckner and Trude Westby Nordmark 2023. Turned and hand modelled stoneware, airbrushed with black clay. Size: 60x40x38 cm. Year of production: 2021. Price includes 5 % Norwegian Art Tax/ Kunstavgiften
From the duo exhibition with Eirik Falckner and Trude Westby Nordmark 2023. Turned and hand modelled stoneware, airbrushed with black clay. Size: 60x40x38 cm. Year of production: 2021. Price includes 5 % Norwegian Art Tax/ Kunstavgiften
From the duo exhibition with Eirik Falckner and Trude Westby Nordmark 2023. Turned and hand modelled stoneware, airbrushed with black clay. Size: 60x40x38 cm. Year of production: 2021. Price includes 5 % Norwegian Art Tax/ Kunstavgiften