Anders Hald (1991, Randers, Denmark) lives, works and studies in Oslo. In 2020 he finished his BA in Medium and Material Based Art, at Oslo National Academy of the Arts and is currently completing a MA in the same education. 

From 2021 to 2023 he was represented at Galerie Moderne Silkeborg and is now represented at Jacob Bjørn Gallery in Aarhus, Denmark. In 2021 he was invited as artist in residency at The Art Residency in Pietrasanta, Italy. The residency was later published into a book that is released at the opening of the exhibition I See What I Saw. In 2024 he is assigned to create his first public sculpture in Kalundborg, Denmark. Since 2020, he has been exhibiting nationally and internationally at galleries, art fairs, public and private institutions.

More info form Anders:

Article by Magdalena Maria Smoła on Anders Hald

Instagram: anders__hald

As human beings, we possess more than just physical needs; there are deeper dimensions to our being. Art has historically served as a bridge to connect with the spiritual realm, fulfilling what we lack in our material lives.
— Magdalena Maria Smoła

Photo: Kevin Fauske